Pixel LED Animator Software

Pixel LED Animator Main Image

Video Formats


Change your codec quality and frame rate and more settings to get the best results

Image Sequences

GIF, PNG sequence, JPEG sequence, WEBp seq...

Export your animations as image sequences for further editing or use in other software

Create Pixel LED Effects Easily!

Get the best Pixel LED Effects Maker and generate great led animations in AVI, SWF, MOV or GIF format!

Works on Windows 10 and newer; Perfect for LedEdit – Jinx! Matrix Control, xLights and more!

PIXEL Led effects generator:

Works with LEDEdit, Jinx!, Glediator, Xlights, MadMapper, MADRIX, and more.

Discover Pixel LED Animator 2, the go-to tool for creating stunning LED pixel animations. With an intuitive animation editor, real-time simulation, and a wide effects library, it's perfect for any LED setup.

Minimal System Requirements: Windows 10 (64-bit) or Newer, Intel or AMD CPU, 4GB RAM, 2GB Disk Space, 1366x768 Display.